2017 Pawprint Pathways – Bring on the Bunnies

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    • #5445

      Hello – I’m Kat!

      Paul & I are from the UK and will be joining the tour at Tokyo airport.
      We have four bunnies, so I’m incredibly excited about Okunoshima – and the monkey spa and Studio Ghibli also sound amazing!
      Looking forward to meeting you all!

    • #5527
      Jessica Kuras

      Nice to meet you! I’m Jess and will be joining the trip with my husband, Nick. We love animals and spent quite awhile trying to find a trip that hits all the spots we want to see – this one seems perfect. Can’t believe it’s only a little over a month away! We live in the bay area, so it’s just a quick flight down to LAX, and then we’ll join the rest of the group there.

    • #5528

      Hi Jess! We have a few friends in the Bay Area. You live in a nice part of the world!

      I’m Paul, married to Kat. I’m excited by the trip and the huge variety of places and things to see. I’m an animal lover, like Kat, but I’m also a big ol’ nerd so interested in seeing some of the geek culture stuff and will probably bring a couple of board / card games to play on our travels. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

    • #5529
      Jessica Kuras

      Ohh I think we’ll get along great! Nick and I love board games and card games, and we’re definitely big geeks as well. This should be a good group!

    • #5548

      We’ve been looking at some games to bring to play on trains etc – have got it down to nine, but need to get it down to three

      Are there any that you’d be more/less interested in playing out of Exploding Kittens, Dobble, Love Letter, Just Desserts, Chrononauts, StarFluxx, Codenames Pictures, Loonacy, Councils of Verona??

    • #5566
      Jessica Kuras

      Nick and I have played (and enjoyed) Exploding Kittens and Fluxx, but haven’t played any of the others before!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jessica Kuras.
    • #5602

      Hi all! I’m Leah, and I’ll also be going along with my husband, Nick. lol

      We’ll be coming from Atlanta. This is my second time going to Japan (first time was for study-abroad), but Nick’s never been so I’m really excited to show him around! I stayed mostly in Kansai/Hyougo last time, so I’m pumped to be seeing so many different parts of Japan on this tour.

      We are also huge geeks, so I can’t WAIT to meet you guys. =) I’m gonna be bringing my 3DS for all those sweet StreetPasses, and in case anyone wants to play Pokemon Sun/Moon or Animal Crossing, I’ll have those on hand. I think we have a couple card games as well, but I’ll have to see if they’ll fit in our luggage.

    • #5619

      Hi everyone! I’m Cathy and I’ll be coming all by myself from the east coast of Canada and will meet the group at the airport in Tokyo. I’m excited to visit many different areas of Japan, see nerdy things, and pet lots of cats and bunnies. I’m hoping there will still be lots of cherry blossoms to see.

    • #5620

      Wow! We have two Nick’s and two C/Kathy’s! Can’t see that getting confusing ;)

      We’re all packed up and set off tomorrow! Looking forward to meeting you all in Tokyo :)

    • #5625

      Not sure you will see this – but Jessica, Leah, Nick and Nick are you still collecting baggage? Or have you gone to the domestic terminal?

    • #5626
      Jessica Kuras

      Nick and I are at the domestic terminal now. We’re sitting in between gate 52 and 53, kind of facing a place called Ana festa.

    • #5627

      Ok we will check in and head over to join you

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