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  • in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1569

    @Amaya928 – I wish I could have slept that long. I only slept for about 5-6 hours. My body’s out for revenge it seems.

    – Jet lag FTW! I feel like a ball of cotton soaked in lead paint. No idea how you summoned the life to work. Otakon! I’ll be somewhere in the Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore Hotel. Let me know if you need assistance with your videos.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1452

    Wow, brave people.  I can’t remember if I told my previous boyfriend my little hobbies or not, and this sorta thing doesn’t exactly come up with FWB.  If I did, it was swiftly ignored and forgotten.  Lol.  I didn’t acquire anything that I couldn’t store in a password protected hidden file.  I’ve been into this stuff since I was about 12, I think.  Only recently have I bought stuff at Otakon that would even give hint to my hobbies.

    There should be no rush to date.  I’m 23 and I’ve dated a few.  I found it to not be worth my time, but I’m jaded.  Lol.  It’s a good way to see who you are and are not compatible with, but ya’ll are youngin’s and you’ll change as you get a little older.  21 opens a whole new box of fun, darlings. :D

    @penultimate –   Compared to ya’ll, I’m pretty new to Teahouse.  I stumbled across it Sept-Oct of 2012.  Right when a hiatus took effect for a bit.  I have no clue how I found it.  I click on far too many things per day to be able to remember.

    @Einatsu – There will be no drowning of sorrows, only celebration!  Besides, you cannot drown anything if you laugh so hard it comes out your nose.  There could be tears, though.  Alcohol hurts like hell when it hits the sinuses.

    @Amaya928 – Mad jealous over the Special Chapter 4.  My room is very similar to yours, and my mother digs around as she pleases, despite my protests.  You always hide everything.  Whether it’s the liquor bottle, a new box of art supplies, cookies, or the naughty things you bought.  It will save you many heart-attacks.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1374

    Sunday works, but I’m sorta in the same boat as Miryei… I’ve only seen a livestream once or twice.  Do we use the chat system to the right of the vid?

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1345

    Was anyone else floored at being Rick-rolled by a travel agency?  I was.  I laughed for probably a full minute before I selected an answer.

    I’m torn on pairings, so I always hope for orgies.  Lol.  Axis and Rhys are delicious.  The battle for dominance Axis never wins, and his gradually less reluctant submission to Rhys is great.  The difference between Gilder and Linneus is interesting.  One’s slim, pretty, and covered in shiny things.  The other is buff, shady, and covered in scars.  I’ll admit, they’ve grown on me.  I’m dying to see more of Mercutio, though.  He just seems like one hell of a hilarious bucket of fun.

    I have only one thing to say about Sacha: “Voted most likely to try to top you in your sleep.”


    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1330

    Welcome people I didn’t see before!  I’ve got like 90 seconds so I’m not even going to attempt to assign my responses.
    1. I read all of Kuroko no Basket in two days.  Love it.  Anime is good for basketball action fanciness, but the manga does it well enough.

    2. Yay for social awkwardness.  I, too, fall into that group.  I’ve gotten better with talking, but I tend to make others uncomfortable.  I’m not well liked, so if you don’t like me in person, no hard feelings.  Lol.

    3. I only discovered Teahouse, like, 6 months ago.  So I own ZERO merch. T_T  There was no shop then, and by the time it opened, I was shoving money down my pants in an attempt to save.

    4. I am not apart of any social media sites and it looks like I’ve missed quite a bit.  I’m a tech savvy person, but I just don’t really like them.  Too much of a pain in the ass.

    Over and out.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1264

    @maddymoonchild – Wig or real, I still want it.  Lol.  Mine’s pretty boring, too.  I like the idea of cosplay, but gathering the balls to do it is a whole other bit.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1222

    @Miryei& @maddymoonchild – Wait, wait, WAIT… There’s a new season in April!?  Shit, I hate waiting for new episode releases.  T_T I’ve suffered enough in 2013 with delays and cliffhangers already.  I intend to read the manga of Kuroko no Basuke, but I haven’t found the time to read something that long yet.

    @maddymoonchild – I want your hair.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1215

    @YYZ kifujin – Your guess is as good as mine on what a cheese-steak tastes like.  While I’ve lived, off and on, near Philly for around 17-18 years, I can’t recall actually eating one.  I love cheese, but I’m not real big on steak.  I might have had a bite while trashed at a friend’s house, but who recalls the taste of things you ate while drunk?  All I tasted the next morning was the Baccardi 151, but there was evidence of such food lying around.  Lol.

    @Samdyn – There is always rice, if nothing else, that you can gobble up and fill the tummy.  While I’m not vegan or vegetarian (nor do I know their respective rules), I don’t particularly enjoy the taste of many meats.  If you stumble across something delicious, please feel free to share your discovery.  :D

    @Amaya928 – I think I may have seen you on TH, and I know I’ve seen Samdyn.  I don’t comment much, and when I do, it’s almost never under the same name. (-_-;)  My way with words manages to get at least a few people to laugh, though.  Lol.

    @Einatsu & @Samdyn – The pair of you have things I’ve always wanted: bigger tits and awesome crane powers.

    @Hari – I’m not familiar with FB, so when I read “Hatori” my mind went immediately to Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi.  He’s pretty quiet, too, now that I think on it.  Lol.  Doukyuusei is the one about chorus classmates, yeah?  The same mangaka who did J no Subete, Sora to Hara, and Double Mints, right?  The art style is… unique, but enjoyable.  Lol.

    I read a lot of online comics.  TH, Starfighter, TEN, Purpurea Noxa, TJ and Amal, In So Many Words, Knights-Errant, Two Keys, Metro-Jack, Mindwash, Enthral, La Macchina Bellica, What Happens in Carpediem, etc.  I’ve heard a lot about Homestuck, but never got into it.

    I apparently can’t do math at 3:30am when I’ve only had 3-4 hours of sleep over two days.  I tried logging in a couple days ago, and couldn’t get anything right.  Not only did I put in the wrong username, but I was stuck on stupid when I looked at the math problem.  Adding a word and a number just didn’t compute in my already half asleep brain.  Lol.  I gave up and went to bed.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1141

    I have to agree with @YYZ kifujin about life being busy.  It’s got me by the imaginary balls.  Trying to replace a consistent PT job is rough these days without travelin’ to the cities.

    – I hardly ever spend unnecessary money, but this trip itself was an impulse buy.  My tax return is my only life saver.  I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to shop or eat on this trip until I did my taxes.  Lol.

    YYZ kifujin – Vegemite sounds… interesting, though I’m not sure what you’d put it on.   I’m currently living just outside of Philadelphia, but if I stand on the roof, I can see New Jersey.  I’m familiar with snow, but my only knowledge of wine is what my uncle from Norway told me.  That knowledge swirled away with the 3rd bottle of wine, unfortunately.  Lol.  Ice wine tea sounds good and I’m willing to try anything willingly provided.

    Presents, eh?  I’d be super embarrassed over my art skills, considering the level they create at.  I’m good with my hands, though I don’t know what I’d be able to conjure.  Something to think on for sure.

    @Einatsu – The only thing I’ve ever heard Philly recognized for is cheese steaks, and those are not good travel items.  Lol.  How long does it take to save enough money to leave the country for over a month?  I would explode out of joy if I could manage that.  Going home, however, seems like it’d be a very sad thing if I could stay that long.

    – I am also excited to try any alcoholic anything.  I had rum while in Jamaica, and nothing beats native booze.  Best rum I ever had, and Bob Marley shots are amazingly sneaky.  Like a Mind Eraser.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1069

    So glad Lanny said there was no curfew.  I never managed to make curfew way back when I had one, so it’ll be nice to not get scolded.

    While I don’t know much of the Teahouse ladies or their secret keeping habits, I remember reading that there was trip exclusive goodies of some form.  Goodies are just as good as leaked secrets to me.

    I was going to try to fly into LAX the same day as we left, but Evan brought up the point of possibly missing the second flight even if you arrived hours prior.  It reminded me that I’ve never taken off or landed on time where I live because of congestion on the runway.  So I’ll be in the hotel block Pacset booked, but I don’t land till, like, 10:30pm.  If ya’ll don’t mind late night exploring, I’d be willing to stretch my legs a bit.  After 6 hours on a plane, I’ll be needin’ it.  Lol.

    @Tamil-A – /bows :D  Glad to be of service. (BIG KITTENS = LOVE)  I’ve owned a ridiculous amount of animals over the course of my life.  Mainly, but certainly not limited to, cats.  Lol.

    @Miryei – Not the worst stereotype out there for sure, but I never would have guessed that was the one you were gonna say.  Lol.  I’ve been called things like hick before, or trailer trash (though I have never actually resided in a trailer. Lol) and I find it entertaining to play the stereotype up and see how uncomfortable I can make the people pointing fingers.

    @Amaya928 – Teahouse was apparently at a con I was at and I had no clue til I came home.  I was beyond sad.  I don’t belong to any of the social media anymore, so I find myself out of the loop on many things.  Lol.
    @YYZ kifujin –   I have never heard of vegemite or ice wine tea, but I love your love for the Ghibli Museum. Also, pictionary is a brilliant idea.  Stick drawings are universal, yeah?

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1061

    Looks like the weather’s wonky all over.  One day it’s 18F, the next it’s 65F and stormin’, and now it’s a dusting of snow I didn’t know anything about.  All this in the same week.  Balls.

    @Miryei – I have family in the Virginias, but I was unaware there were stereotypes.  Are they funny stereotypes?

    @Samdyn – I used to live in NC.  Nice place, summer was like breathing in water 24 hours a day, though.  Humidity for the lose.  Lol.  Tiger Sanc?  Do you ever sneak a pet?  Just a little brush of fur?  I do not think I could restrain from trying, even if it costed me a bit a flesh.  Lol.

    I had not considered curfews.  I was hoping to get a tiny taste of the night life.

    @Alyssa Jennings –  Hells yes! In truth, I didn’t really know what the Square Enix showcase entailed, so if I don’t look it up, I won’t be disappointed that it’s not there anymore.  Lol.

    @Tamil-A –  I’m convinced Kanji is like a doctor’s script.  Impossible to read.

    Don’t get sad, get mad.  Get Glad trash bags to clean up the mess your fit of rage caused without any of that unwanted tearing or leakage. :D

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #1016

    Ya’ll make me half wish I went to a normal high school that had language course selections.  Lol.

    @Alyssa Jennings – When I found out the Studio Ghibli Museum existed a couple years ago, it became my only goal for Japan.  I thought I’d have to find a way back to Japan to see it.  So to put it simply, I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED.  I rented My Neighbor Totoro from Blockbuster when I was a munchkin and it snowballed from there.  Lol.

    @Einatsu – I wish I could stay longer.  I don’t quite have the funds to do so, and I’m already missing roughly half a months pay for this trip.  I’m a multi-job part-timer, so I don’t get vacation/sick/paid time off.  :(

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #995

    @Moonwitch – You have to be the greatest mother ever.  That said, it seems like most people on this forum are doing the roommate matchin’.

    Now I’m kinda curious.  Does anyone actually speak/read Japanese?  I only know the little bit I’ve learned from hijacking a friend’s college book and the random shit that sticks in your head after several 24 hour subbed anime marathons over the last decade.   Which, btw, is a terrible idea when your eyesight is flawed to begin with.  It hurt.  Lol.

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #985

    @Tamil-A – DO IT.  Also, you have to capture them on video.  It is always funny watching grown men play with bobble heads, though I can understand the urge to do so.  I was that kid who ran through isles with my father setting off all the toys that made noise or moved.  Lol.

    @YYZ kifujin – I thought the same thing when it opened up here a handful of years ago, but there’s tiny lettering under “H MART” that says it’s an Asian grocery mart or something.  I get the strangest looks when I stroll around in there, but I don’t stick out as much as my ginger friend does.  Lol.  I’ve never heard of Koreatown.  There’s a Chinatown here, but it’s quite a distance to drive to.  My mother says the same thing about my wording, though she often complains I never use it for good.  Lol.

    @Alyssa Jennings – It’s like, the law of life.  You can do amazing and physically impossible things the younger you are.  Kinda like 6 year olds have so much energy just looking at them makes you tired.

    – :D

    in reply to: BL Teahouse: Greetings & Chatter #976

    @Jessica – If I could afford to stay longer, I would.  I’m one of the biggest perverts my family has produced, so I must agree with your reasons for the trip.  Lol.

    – I do have a picture, though it’s location is unknown to me at the moment.  Attic, probably, but that’s like trying to navigate drunk through a mine field disguised as a ball pit.  Besides, newborns look like tiny, wrinkly aliens fresh from the apex of  their mother’s legs.   They look a little more human after a couple days.  Lol.

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